Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8090 Fri, Aug 29, 3:16PM
((Reese- *GRIN*)) *Gods, it was -hot- in here... And the music was
more like a shop full of grinders, bandsaws, chop saws, drill
presses, and impact wrenches all maxed out and screaming... Beej
decides he knows where it got the name 'Industrial'. He leans against
the wall of this hole-in-the-wall club that his beloved- where was
he, anyhow? It didn't really matter that Neets had gotten lost in the
crush, they'd find each other soon enough... -had insisted they go,
watching the nearly-kaliedoscopic whirl of dancers... These kids
[they all seemed to be kids, barely old enough to do the two other
main activites that were found here: smoke and drink] were wierd,
dressing in almost solid black, relieved here and there with grey or
a giddy flash of color... And their faces- So -very- pale that surely
some of them had to be using makeup, even the guys... Tendrils,
drawn-on or permanently inked curls of black like spitcurls wriggling
from temples to bridges of noses, or just dribbling towards chin,
along the side of a face... Some of them just had plain pale faces,
though. Black hair, the majority dyed with roots showing, tangled and
dreaded and most all looking in dire need of a thorough brushing...*
((Continued Next Post))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8127 Fri, Aug 29, 3:18PM
((*Is Smooched by The Amazon* *Giggles*)) *Everyone dripping chains,
jewelry, a lot of flash but little to no worth, he notes fuzzily...
And the places they'd stuck said jewelry! Noses, eyebrows, lips and
tongues and ears, up to and including the tiny protrusion of
cartilage just in front of the ear canal... He winces at this, not
even wanting to consider the odd lumpiness under the left side of a
slim boy's startlingly white, damp shirt as he edges past the
trader... Beej gives him a cursory inspection, discarding him as
not-Neets, therefore nothing more than some stranger on his way to
somewhere else... He'd been doing it all night, checking out
they-who-caught-his-eye, then rejecting them in a cool, detached
manner, never having been more than merely curious... He closes his
eyes and rests his head against the wall, sweaty clothing sticking to
him in some places, trembling a little. He was a strange combination
of buzzed, euphoric, drunk and tuckered out from the night's
activities... He thought they'd done rather well, trading off places
to go... Neets had insisted on some metal place called MonoLogue
first thing... That'd been loud, too, but a little more melodic, he
thought. A giggle at that, since -normal- people disdained anything
you couldn't automatically identify as four part harmony... Yup, he
-was- drunk, his thoughts wandering like that... Then there'd been Al
A. Ska's King of the Crabs House of 'Tones or whatever the heck it
was called, all -he- ever remembered was where it was and that they
had -great- bands, and pretty decent food... He wasn't hungry, yet,
'cept for one thing, but even that wasn't very pressing, at the
moment...* ((Continued again))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8151 Fri, Aug 29, 3:19PM
((*Simply bloomin' -adores- this intro...*)) *And then where...? Oh,
he couldn't recall the name... A bluesy joint with a thick fug and
wailing banshees of harmonicas, twiddly clarinets and just all manner
of eddies of thick intelligent jazz... He recalled someone telling
him once that jazz was for? from? the brain, and rock and roll was
for... yeah, it -was- for, the groin... and another grunge-dive, this
one with pingy, clangy pinball machines near the door... The
Roosevelt Tea Room and Rose Club had been his choice, since somewhere
he'd learned how to waltz... He sorta wished he could have a picture
of that, him in his neatly hemmed grey shorts, T-shirt and boots [hat
left behind so it wouldn't get lost] and Neets in all black turning
neatly amongst the more genteel, formally-dressed crowd... They'd
[Neets and Beej] been polite, though, and even after a few frigid
(disgusted, too) looks... Off to some other nameless shack with
shake-your-bones bass boost and a rough crowd at the front of the
stage, lost inside the human washing machine of the mosh pit... Ouch.
He'd have bruises tomorrow, for sure... But he just didn't -care-,
then or now.* ((Continued again... Toldjya I had a lot on my
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8169 Fri, Aug 29, 3:21PM
*And some old haunt of his, it'd changed hands and was some spacy
fern-bar/discotheque(sp?) combo, now, playing top-forty hits from
before he was born... It was all right, but it lasted about as long
as the Rose place. Bleah. Then tossed into the swirl-and-kaboom of
some rat trap with hip-hop|reggae|semi-rap-or-SOMEthing... (it had
been beyond his ability to define its genere) Quite spiffy... or
maybe it was just the company... or the fact that there was far more
alcohol than is healthy or normal in his bloodstream... Beej decides
that he will -NOT- ask how his lover knows of all these places,
tugging clammy shirt away from his chest, trying to cool down... And
the place just before this one, all red and steamy and full of slinky
horns and sizzling drums... He didn't know how to tell a Salsa from a
Merengue(sp?) from a Tango (*hopes that's Hispanic, is willing to be
corrected*), but loving the chill the music sent down his spine, the
sheer delight in the notes as they slid into the air around him... He
grins again, recalling their attempts to imitate others around them,
his clumsy hips not cooperating... Or at least they hadn't -seemed-
to. He simply couldn't tell, remember, whatever...Still standing
there, replaying that soverysexy music in his head, grinning like the
fool he could be and probably was...* ((Done))
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#8328 Fri, Aug 29, 3:32PM PST
~~He was drunk. Blindingly, glaringly, happily stoned out of his mind
on the fiery amber liquids they'd been consuming all night long. He'd
somehow managed to lose Beej in this crowd, this writhing, screaming
mass of humanity all grinding to the hidden beats in their minds more
than to the low-toned growling bass voice pouring from the speakers
now. And he didn't -care- that they were dancing with him, over him,
through and around him. he wanted to touch it, feel it all, before
this night passed into the fade of days, before his youth left him
and he could no longer flaunt his exotic looks amongst a roomful of
broken-spirited teenagers all trying to lose themselves in the music
so they could find whatever it was they were looking for. For his
part, he was looking for his lover...a glass of beer in one hand,
sloshing down his pale scarred arm, and his emerald hair all-but
matted to his head with excited sweat, he pushed and screamed and
laughed like a psychotic clown. And finally, finally, he was back in
a tiny corner of the club, golden eyes red from smoke and no doubt
the faintest etchings of alcoholic overindulgence, but locked on the
equally blitzed face of a S'Harran trader.~~
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8433 Fri, Aug 29, 3:41PM
((*Laugh* A psychotic clown? Oh me...)) *-There- he was! Beej
suddenly feels incredibly old as he ponders the fact that he simply
doesn't -get- this... music. All of this occurrs in an eyeblink, so
there's no worry over it at all... Besides, if there -had- been any,
Neets' arrival would have dispelled it. He pushes away from the wall
to find himself a little more unsteady than he had been when he came
over here... he stands in a strange, surfer-esque posture for a
moment before reaching over to move a sweat-sodden strand of that
spiffy boa hair away from those fascinating citrine eyes.... He
shakes his head, at himself, his love, at nothing at all, and wonders
what he was going to do next...* *Blink*
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#8516 Fri, Aug 29, 3:48PM PST
~~Probably the only generation gap they have then, because this
music, if it can be called that, the driving, pounding, screeching
mess of notes, echoes through his mind and -fits-. If he were sober,
he'd stop to analyze it, if he were sober he wouldn't be in this
press of flesh...wouldn't be gulping down the last of his glass and
screaming in the ear of his obviously done-for partner.~~ Wanna'go?!
~~Lupine eyes close, and he licks the curve of cartilage, raising an
eyebrow. Or rather, he would, if he still had the motor control.~~
((That damn Sublime video was one! *grin*))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8598 Fri, Aug 29, 3:55PM
*Whoops, someone had pushed past him, the slight jar just enough to
bump him against Neets... Not that he complains at this, mind you...
The music wasn't all that bad, just definitely needing time to get
used to... Or something. Slipping his arms about the younger man's
waist, one hand sliding into a pocket, a real giggle swallowed by the
mad vibrations of the air... An exaggerated nod for Neets, shouting
back* Whatever... ((*Giggle* Oh! *Remembers* The drunk-ass dad from
Wrong Way, gotchya...))
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#8726 Fri, Aug 29, 4:05PM PST
~~Hard -not- to be tossed and jiggled and bumped in this crowd, and
he wasn't exactly protesting the contact either. Dropping the plastic
cup on the ground without a care as to where it skitters off to, he
draws the trader into an embrace. Well...not really. Scrawny arms
looped around his waist, he pulls him back and forth a little,
half-remembered steps from a looong time ago. Out of pace with the
rest of the arm-waving patrons, he finds a strange music of his own,
and sways to it, not caring that he must look as out of place now as
he did when they waltzed earlier.~~ ((*snerk* Only one of my
characters could slow-dance to NIN...))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#8854 Fri, Aug 29, 4:15PM
((*lol* Yeah! *Considers* If it's NIN, Beej should warm up to it
after a while... *Really needs to refrain from analizing her Cs in
this state* *Giggles again*)) *Well, this wasn't bad at all.... The
other hunger from earlier returns, a little more insistent now as the
madding crowd pushes around the oblivious- well, mostly oblivious
pair.... His forehead rests against atacamite tresses, beaming
insanely... T'Blazes with what people thought, it was unlikely they'd
be noticed much in -this- crowd. A sloppily-executed kiss encompasses
most of one green brow, Beej pressing closer as someone else wants
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#9025 Fri, Aug 29, 4:27PM PST
~~Desire heightened by proximity and that link, not to mention
streams of fermented grain sizzling round in his molecular structure,
his hands stray from their original course, finally finding a place
to test his fingers-in-back-pockets theory. In this crowd, who's
going to notice, maybe even care, about two fairly amalgamate young
men? Sloppy...well, hell, his own aim isn't so great either, but he
does manage, after a minute or two, to find Beej's mouth. Lost
together, just like he always said. Not so bad...always dancing to a
different drummer anyway, he figured they might as well just find
their own band. The rustling, tinny echoes of cymbals crashing mark
the end of a song, and a pause in the music altogether it would seem.
Funny thing...there were his feet, clumsily dragging back and forth
anyway.~~ ((*grin* *cackle* Maybe it's Closer...))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#9268 Fri, Aug 29, 4:43PM
((*Nods* Thomas is...sort of yelling at Cole, or maybe having a
breakdown or something.... *Blinks at him* This should be
interesting... I'm finishing, or trying to finish Hx3a... *Snerk*
Yeah, maybe... or Perfect Drug....)) *Hum... He -knew- there was a
resaon he'd stuck with the A'caillian's liquor all night, it tasted
like Neets' mouth... But it ain't half as warm (tastes awful, then)
or pliable or pleasent or- Their shuffling was adding to everything,
and maybe they'd need an entire orchestra, or maybe just a soundcard
with Bach drifting from it or maybe he'd take the lull in the
music-come-noise to break away from that pale-pink mouth to mumble at
a more reasonable volume- he just -knew- his throat was gonna be a
stone bitch to live with tomorrow -while trying to follow the rumpled
flesh of said ear* Wanna stay 'r go...? Don' really care... *Snigger*
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#9447 Fri, Aug 29, 4:58PM PST
~~Did he really need to answer that? Too busy, one hand, reluctant to
move from the pocket of those shorts, but eager to stifle
conversation with another kiss. He felt absurdly like giggling, like
he was floating away, wrapped in the seductive mist of smoke and
scotch and musky sweat, without even wondering why those things
-were- seductive. Strains of classical or heavy rhythms of
techno-industrial-gothic-whatever, even the pattering drum beats of a
long-gone tribal culture couldn't equal or ever hope to surpass the
swelling creature that the music in his mind had become. But he
supposed he -should- answer...maybe...~~ Don' car'.. ((*laugh* oooh!
Perfect Drug...*nodnod* *Wants to read such when Elvis finishes.*))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#9569 Fri, Aug 29, 5:10PM
((*Will inform Reese of completeness, or at least the nextly-uploaded
chunk* Nodnod* *Giggle*)) *GODS but they were outta their skulls....
His feet hurt, he notes faintly, and then there was all of these
people around them.... Nothing, not peppers or music or just staring
at the vast expanse of blackvelvet night and the spilled diamonds of
stars could match this current between them... Mildly surprised that
they don't spark or something as he trails damp lips across the side
of his beloved's face and down his neck, muttering his response as
best he can, given the impediment to speech that kissing -is-...*
Les' get outta here... *Another odd little chortle, ever the
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#9632 Fri, Aug 29, 5:16PM PST
~~No...that night in the desert had been absolute peace. This was
electricity. he felt like a raw nerve, exposed to an open line,
arching blue light crackling between them. Moist lips pausing,
dampening that place just above jaw, just below ear mumble something,
and he mumbles an affirmative, wondering if he can even stumble out
of the club before he's consumed by the milion volt charge shooting
through his brain, much -less- work his 'fader.~~ ((*grin* Cool!))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#9933 Fri, Aug 29, 5:34PM
((*Is kinda stuckish, will have it uploaded in a sec* *Grin*)) *It
had been... Hours of just quiet -being-, until they'd finally gotten
around to watching the stars in one another's eyes.... Strangely
enough, that elecricity was twining itself about his legs and
slinking up spine, spreading a coolness over the back of his head...
Wierd but so -very- perfect... They'll have to keep holding one
another up, but they aren't going to have to walk much, at the
moment... Beej, sly boy that he is, saw this coming and preset his
'fader to take them -both- back... Unfortunately, they're going to
end up in the public 'fader in that back hall at Glen's.* 'Kay...
*That's what it sounds like, anyhow, mouth against crook of neck and
shoulder, hands moving from the pockets of those inky jeans
((*assumption made* *Can correct*)) to finish the
sequence....*((*Snigger* *Rearranges the building to suit their
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#10109 Fri, Aug 29, 5:44PM PST
~~He couldn't really remember much about it right now, except that it
had been the best night of the whole trip, and they hadn't done a
thing but hold each other. Not like now, with this raw fire-like
energy resounding through the both of them. NOW they were attracting
a stare or two, now that security was herding people towards the door
and the spellbinding one-ness of the frenzied dance had passed. He
manages, somehow, to catch the folded paper Beej pulls free of his
back pocket, before leaning closer.~~ Mmmm...~~Could be another
affirmative, could be a moan...hard to tell.~~ ((*Assumption right*
**nods and awaits button*))
Blackwater Jones (Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far
away... NOT at Glens, yet.): . . . . msg#10341 Fri, Aug 29, 5:58PM
((*Posted button, but if it got missed...* Just hit reload for
GuldHx3a...*nodnod*)) *It certainly beat chasing sandcrawlers away
from tents, or breakfast, or any of a dozen other perils that
sleeping on that side of camp entailed.... He lifts his head for a
brief look around... An uptight-looking security guard with a
disapproving, distasteful look on his face makes him grin
wickedly.... He presses the last button, pushing outward with a foot
to turn them sidewise to the approaching man... Slowly leaning Neets
backward in a Tango-like dip and planting his mouth firmly over his
lover's as they 'fade... He'll get around to being curious about the
paper in good time...* ((*Thwaps Beej* Don't do that, twit, y'might
get maimed...))
(Somewhere, in a grungy little shoebox far, far away... NOT at
Glens, yet... Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally distracted, not
ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#10461 Fri, Aug 29, 6:07PM PST
~~Taken entirely off-guard, he loses what little is left of his shaky
balance, pitching forward so that all his weight depends on Beej for
support. Not so different from anything else, really. he knows
they're 'fading -somewhere-, but hasn't a clue where, nor does he
truly care. Losing himself in the sharp-flavored kiss he curls the
hand with the bit of paper against Beej's back, scrabbling for a
handful of damp cotton shirt.~~ ((*nodnod* Got it.))
Blackwater Jones (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . . msg#10564
Fri, Aug 29, 6:16PM PST
*Balance is a hard thing to maintain, tonight, as Beej stumbles back
into the wall with an 'oof'.... A quick trickle of laughter, content
to hold Neets up and lean against the wall, breathing fast and eyes
sparkling from more than just the excess alcohol...* Fun.... *And
then he's locked in a near-desperate embrace, kissing needily along
jaw to mouth and giving a bit of a rumble...*
-In a back hall, Tavern- Neetlemyre Knickerbocker ((Infernally
distracted, not ignoring anyone...)): . . . . msg#10629 Fri, Aug 29,
6:22PM PST
~~At least the booth is small, and tucked away...he wasn't going
to...yeah, he kinda thought he was, since he was trying to get Beej
loose of his shirt.~~ Yeah...ain't gonna mek't
upsta'rzzz...~~Slurred, the accent is thicker than it should be, and
then not there at all as he busies his teeth with the curving neck
presented to him.~~
Blackwater Jones (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . . msg#10731
Fri, Aug 29, 6:31PM PST
*Not to mention so far off the beaten path that it was highly
unlikely that anyone'd 'fade in.... He still thinks they oughta move,
so he shimmies a bit, moving away, still leaning against the wall...*
Oooh...? *Half query, half just noise at those teeth, hands roaming
over Neets' back and backside, presenting a bit more of that neck to
be attended to...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . .
msg#11035 Fri, Aug 29, 6:54PM PST
~~Well...maybe they should -try- to make it upstairs...really, the
booth was kinda cramped, and he was begining to feel rather agile.~~
Mebbe...~~Breathless and excited, his teeth nip a bit harder.~~
Blackwater Jones (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . . msg#11217
Fri, Aug 29, 7:08PM PST
*He blinks, trying to get his brain to function correctly....
Upstairs... That'd be a good idea... Yeah... He extricates himself
from the younger man, standing up straightish... He doubts that he
could -carry- Neets, but he can tuck him under and arm and shuffle
towards the door at the other end of the hall...* ((*Was considering
having them discover a couch-containing alcove that 'most nobody else
has seen* *can also go with going upstairs* *Whatever*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . .
msg#11455 Fri, Aug 29, 7:22PM PST
~~Oh hell...he didn't -want- to walk. A flash of petulance is seen,
before he settles snugly under the proffered arm. Unwilling to give
over in his attentions, he fumbles, finally finding the trader's hand
and lifting it, bringing it to his lips as his own free hand tucks
the piece of paper back in his pocket.*
Blackwater Jones (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . . msg#11601
Fri, Aug 29, 7:31PM PST
((*Whines* *Hates choices, flips a coin* Heads, upstairs, tails,
couch... *Says this with a completely straight face* *Bursts into
giggles a moment later*)) *Well, he'd be happy to oblige Neets, but
he really would rather get them to...wherever they were gonna end up
with as few injuries as possible.... He turns his captive hand
around, attempting to caress that elfin visage, finding that
half-closing your eyes -really- didn't make it easier to walk... his
shoulder brushes a wall and he corrects their course, the hand at his
beloved's hip slides up under that black shirt...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . .
msg#11893 Fri, Aug 29, 7:53PM PST
~~Walls...somewhere, when he quit giggling (and was he really
giggling out loud or was it just in his head?) he recalled that walls
were solid, and therefore a bad thing to walk into. Slightly
coherent, he also seems to register that kissing fingertips, even
sucking on them gently, can be done with that warm hand in its new
position. Really, it was amazing the things he found interesting when
he was trashed. tickling his ribs like that just wasn't
-fair-, not when they were coming to the end of the hall and he
couldn't reciprocate for fear of ripping thin, it's not
-that- thin, but at this point, he's not so sure he trusts
himself...~~ ((*snickers* *A LOT*))
Blackwater Jones (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . . msg#12131
Fri, Aug 29, 8:09PM PST
*It must be aloud, because Beej can hear it, too sort of... Maybe it
was just his ears ringing... Actually, walls could be helpful when
you're terribly distracted by a moist heat sending goosebumps up your
arm... Case in point- managing to open that door without losing much
contact, turning in the direction of the stairs, or so he thinks,
keeping that shoulder brushing against the wall... -He didn't mean to
tickle, not really, just wanting to feel that ridged skin under his
fingers... It would not do at -all- to rip brand new clothes, not at
all...* ((*Sniggle*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a back hall, Tavern-): . . . .
msg#12459 Fri, Aug 29, 8:30PM PST
~~The giggling makes his lips tickle as well, and the alcohol seems
to have heightened his senses...he would almost swear he could feel
ever tiny ridge of the trader's figerprints, taste the faint
saltiness of his skin. Maybe he could. Maybe he was making the whole
night up. No...his feet hurt too much, slopping around in his
half-laced combat boots, and the now-tickling, now-caressing fingers
running over the raised lines of scarring on his ribs are too hot,
too firm to be a dream. Ripping... shredding undoing
buttons...whatever it would take...he wanted them OFF, and soon.~~
Blackwater Jones (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#12779 Fri, Aug 29, 8:50PM PST
Ow! *He muffles cursing mixed with laughter, looking down to see what
he'd barked a shin on... A coffee table. Well... An expanse of
shadows catches his eye... He didn't recall seeing this particular
alcove before... Who gave a damn? Everything seemed a little
magnified, or maybe he had gotten smaller...? He doesn't worry about
it, half-dragging, half tumbling his lover and himself onto the
broad, slightly dusty cushions of the couch hiding in those
shadows... Both hands up under that shirt now, kicking at his boots,
growling at the younger man... Trying very hard not to give into the
growing sense of -now|now|now-...* ((*Can probably stay 'til 12:00
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#13387 Fri, Aug 29, 9:32PM PST
~~Brief concern at the muffled exclamation of pain, his hands growing
somehow softer, caressing gently before realizing Beej was alright.
The faintly musty odor of the dark corner assualts his flaring
nostrils as they crash-land on the dusty divan. He can't decide if
he's half-on-top-of or half-buried-under his lover as they burrow
into the satin brocade cushions, only knows that he's tangled up
again, arms and legs in a crazy knot of fumbling desire.
-Now|soon|please- racing like rivulets of ice water down every
tingling nerve, his mouth seeks out and finds an earlobe.~~
((BuggerybloodyHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Thinks
this somehow more effective than screaming SHIT!!!!!!!! over and
over.* -If- I ever get this motherfucking post through, count me
as gone. The phone lines are going staticy cause of a storm, and I'm
afraid they're going to fry my modem. *Mutters something about stupid
phone companies who would rather run a completely new digital phone
lone from the pole than replace existing wire IN a house.* I'll TRY
to get back later, if not, we'll pull a time warp the next time you
CAN play and finish this up, or do it through e-mail or something. If
I manage to get back on, I'll e-mail you Elvis. *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH*))
Blackwater Jones (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#13766 Sat, Aug 30, 10:19PM PST
*A fleeting curiosity regarding the couch, then lost in his lover
again, a soft mumble as his ear is ensnared by that toasty mouth...
His back arches a little, one arm moving to wrap about Neets' waist
and hold him tight against hips that suddenly have a mind of their
own...* Mmmph... *In response to the wash of -want-, wanting more his
ownself, other hand groping for buttons- whose? He doesn't care,
giving another soft little moan...* ((Looky, I can post IC...*grin*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#13897 Sat, Aug 30, 10:26PM PST
~~Warm questing lips move from the too-soft earlobe back to the
harder line of prickly stubbled jaw, not caring about the soft
abrasion of his face at all. His own drunken movements grandiose,
not-so-skilled but still seeking the outlet he finds in his lover's
pleasure, his slender hands work just-so over already damp fabric,
teasing and lifting to more fervent need.~~ ((*snigger* Very good!
Your mother and I are so proud...*giggle*))
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#14590 Sat, Aug 30, 11:07PM PST
*Nuzzling against that smooth face, reveling in sensations... Every
nerve-ending was singing, as if they'd absorbed every drop of music
the two young men had heard tonight and stored it up somewhere, only
to be loosing it in a icy/firey trail down his spine and into his
belly... Hands -under- Neets' back pockets, pressing into flesh,
breath rough.... His mouth simply presses, opens, closes, just
-moving- against the side of the younger man's face, tongue slipping
out on occasion to catch a bead of sweat... Some odd little bit of
his brain that still works properly manages to convince the -rest- of
his brain that this would be a good time to see how quiet he could
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#14715 Sat, Aug 30, 11:17PM PST
~~Rememberance flickers, flares like a fire fed new wood as he
recalls another night of music, strains of violin intertwining with
slow movements... a crescendo of touches. Now his head whirls, here a
touch of the low, growling seduction of bass across a sea of
kohl-lined faces, there the spicier beat of salsa and now the stately
flare of that waltz. Too should be discordant, but it flows
from him as he presses fingers into the tiny concavities between
ribs. Salt and spice and alcohol invade his mouth as his tongue darts
over his lover's barely-bearded chin, licking a path down to his
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#14945 Sat, Aug 30, 11:35PM PST
*A hiccup of breath and a pearly string of breathless laughter as
those dexterous digits tickle a bit... He shifts again, fumbling at
more buttons as he does... murmuring softly to himself or his
beloved; song lyrics, nonsense, drunken abandon melting his thoughts
and letting them drip from his tongue... Speaking of tongues, he
tries to catch Neets' in its way by, tilting his head back... A hand
slipping along the edge of bifurcation, making faint forays...*
((*Blinks* *Giggles as she's proud of working 'bifurcation' into a
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#15206 Sat, Aug 30, 11:52PM PST
~~He would hiccup, but that would mean taking a breath, and that's
too much of a bother now. Maybe...well, he might just be persuaded to
taste that eager mouth... Never the garrulous sort, he remains silent
but for his sharp, uneven pulls of dank air as his elegant digits
sweep lower, almost roughly running over the jutting plane of
hipbones and lower still.~~ ((*blinks* *Had to look up bifurcation*
*Still wasn't QUITE sure what Elvis meant, but has a clue now.* *Is
going to need a better thesaurus...*))
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#15597 Sun, Aug 31, 0:17AM PST
*A soft groan at those hands, arching his body slowly and kicking at
fabric tangled about his feet... He obliges the kiss by opening his
mouth as wide as he can, filling his mouth and nose with 'Neets'...
-now|now|^^Kitten...?^^-, fingers exploring further, as gentle as his
kissing is rough...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#15778 Sun, Aug 31, 0:29AM PST
~~Fumbling towards ecstacy...the title of an album Neets wouldn't
recognize and certainly doesn't care about right now. Tongue
grooving, smoothing over hard teeth and soft caves of moist skin, he
makes a quiet sound, the indistinct rumbling purr almost lost to him.
-Nownownow|Beej- and even that reply, fuzzled, muggered...stained
with an alcoholic residue that he doesn't find at all distasteful.
His smooth form rippling in response to inquisitive hands, he can do
little more than return the frenzied zeal.~~
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#15899 Sun, Aug 31, 0:38AM PST
Elvis:((That would be 'Pepper' by the Butthole Surfers. *blinks at
Beej and Neets.* *Keeps silent upon name of band* *Does NOT snigger
in the least* *Song fits too well.....*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#15975 Sun, Aug 31, 0:44AM PST Elvis:
((*nod* That was what always made me respect her, was that she
actually used her fame and fortune to help people. *gigglegrin*
True...*does NOT think anyone is watching*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16110 Sun, Aug 31, 0:54AM PST
Elvis:((*grin* You're welcome! That was the very first alternative
song that I heard..*sighs happily, thinking of how it led to all
sorts of cool music* *lol* *Figured IC post was being written.*))
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#16128 Sun, Aug 31, 0:55AM PST
((*Giggles* *Thought about the phrase 'tongue-and-groove' [relating
to construction] earlier*)) *Smiling around their kiss, rumbling
himself, fingers pressing deep and sliding away slowly, -pleased- at
his lover's shudder... He pulls himself together long enough to
rearrange them, nestling himself between Neets' knees... He does
nothing yet, sinking back into the torrent of sensation-only
consciousness with a little sigh...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16230 Sun, Aug 31, 1:04AM PST
Elvis:((Yeah...they were talking about how close she was to both her
sons ealier...I feel so sorry for them. *nod* he does, sort of. Both
of them are very...different. *grin* I like them, for the most part.
Beck's new song get's on my nerves though. *sniggers over last sent
PM.* *Wonders if that disqualifies her from Mistress-hood.*))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16383 Sun, Aug 31, 1:16AM PST
~~He gives out a whisper-like 'Ah' of pleasure, feeling the last of
his restraint, willpower, sobriety, whatever...melt away like
chocolate on a hot day. His kissing hungry, as though the trader were
an exotic delicacy he couldn't get enough of, he finds his knobby
spine arching, his whole mind and body centered on raw sensation
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16433 Sun, Aug 31, 1:20AM PST
Elvis:((*grin* I like Devil's Haircut...I REALLY like 'I'm a Loser'.
*giggles* *Urges Elvis along the path towards Canadian rock bands.*
Moist...if you get the chance, you MUST try Moist! Gasoline, Ophelia,
Ressurection, revidescent, tangerine...and David Usher's
voice...Wow...*siiiiigh* *laugh* Lucky me!))
It did and didn't work, in some respects. You'll see what I mean... The pertinent post has been changed in the finished version of SL27.
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#16460 Sun, Aug 31, 1:22AM PST
*Oh, and how happy he would be to be consumed by the skinny youth
beneath him, since they'd finally be -together-.... His hands slink
down alabaster sides to hips, lifting them from the cushion, a sharp
little growl-* ((Note: This post in two parts... If you want to
respond to this part and break it off [see tail end {*no comment*} of
post], go ahead...))
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16493 Sun, Aug 31, 1:25AM PST
~~Growling, purring, muttered song lyrics...touching and holding and
staying melding, coming together into one being...~~
((Naaaahhh...*giggle* G'head...*snicker*))
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#16570 Sun, Aug 31, 1:31AM PST
the original Lusiphur (Black-clad elvish S): . . . . msg#16641
Sun, Aug 31, 1:36AM PST
((*tries to tear MUN-eyes away from reading the posts coming from
that shadowed alcove...realizes that the writing is too damned
good*))Cassie]*Sighs*'s handy at times, but I don't like to
use it...and...I'm afraid it'll come between us. Especially
if...*trails off, ending his sentence with a pull from the whiskey
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#16659 Sun, Aug 31, 1:38AM PST
~~Sensation...pure, physical and overwhelming... Surrounding, alien, much more, yet dwindling to an urgent drive towards
the sun itself. So warm and trusting, -love-...~~
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#16971 Sun, Aug 31, 2:04AM PST
*Oh, the onion-like layers of how everything feels, tastes, smells-
run together like dye into cloth, integrate on all levels -That
single pinpoint of a goal consuming all, wrapped firmly in a
flannelly -Love-.... His left hand seeks out his lover's, the metal
band there that discouraged several pairs of made eyes earlier
sparking as it passes through a small bar of light.... This golden
glimmer in the back of his head more felt than seen as he searches
deeper, other hand splayed and sliding along a scarred side....*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17132 Sun, Aug 31, 2:18AM PST
~~Yellow eyes are half-lidded, darkened to the color of beer,
unfocused yet seeming to stare. His world, thoughts now faded to
instincts, and instincts mere dream-gauze urges, in a drifting
concerto of perception. He reaches up now, drawing his lover's
thoughts closer to him as he does his half-felt shape, every nerve
arcing with the electric-blue-white fire...~~
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#17262 Sun, Aug 31, 2:29AM PST
*A fleeting glimpse of those honeyamber orbs, both arms sliding up
and around to hold Neets ever-closer... There -aren't- any thoughts,
not now, not when that brass ring is so close... mouth near an ear,
harsh whispery voice sibilant with not-words.... Teeth scrape here,
brush there, then sink gently into shoulder, the unseen dam growing
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17347 Sun, Aug 31, 2:36AM PST
~~Silver...blinding silver light, wasn't it? No...dark
chestnut...just -color-, no shape to it anymore, though his own hands
seemed to do nothing more than frantically trace, discovering angles
and curves and crevices. His head turns, stealing the air from the
useless wending of articulation and muffling his own exultations with
the slide of tongue over teeth.~~
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#17544 Sun, Aug 31, 2:58AM PST
*Maybe it was vermeil(sp?), silverplated gold... Or goldplated
silver...? Beej doesn't waste any time pondering this as he returns
the gaspy kiss, shivering under his love's hands, fingers digging
into crosshatched, milky epidermis.... And then- Then- It all comes
crashing down in a flashbulb pop-snap of gold light against the
inside of his eyelids and tremors that ripple up from his toes, a
quiet outcry rolls from him and nails bite into that skin...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17631 Sun, Aug 31, 3:09AM PST
~~There it was, there -there-, gone again, shuddering from the depth
of Him, back arching again, mind lost on a million pathways of dark
and light, puzzle pieces, Beej... Not minding the biting fingers, the
cloying mouth, muffling, accepting the cry like hastily wrapped gift
as he plunges to a core of molten ice, or freezing embers, color gone
too, everything gone but THEM. Questing through it all as he dies the
little death, and then going slack, falling slowly back from the hazy
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#17765 Sun, Aug 31, 3:23AM PST
*And now, into the pleasant aftermath, comes a faintish chill, a
barely-felt niggle of 'uh-oh...' But this is all pushed away by a
wasted, sated brain and overflowing heart as he resettles himself
alongside Neets, still keeping arms about him... Speech is
unreachable, unneccesary, anyhow as drowsy -love- simmers slowly
throughout....He rests his face in the crook of neck and shoulder...*
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17830 Sun, Aug 31, 3:30AM PST
~~He would speak, would tell his beloved that they shouldn't sleep
here...but he doesn't think he can quite manage even that garbled
explanation. There's no need, he decides after awhile, or a second,
or whatever amount of time could span in the blink of his lazily
un-clear eyes. The tiny brush of -apprehension- lost on him, he turns
on his side, burying his nose in sweat-smelling dark hair and
sighing, too close to dropping off the edge of the world into
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17851 Sun, Aug 31, 3:32AM PST
((*DOUBTS this will ever happen again.* *Very seriously in fact.*
*Will keep her thoughts on boys kissin' boys t'her ownself.* *Cackles
and rubs hands in evil delight at the Plot Twist.*))
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#17909 Sun, Aug 31, 3:38AM PST
*Oh, boy, was he going to pay on the morrow... He swallows from
half-realized curiosity and finds his throat smoke-scratched... The
tempting call of Sleep is proving hard to resist indeed, but he holds
it off a moment more to mumble in a voice lilting and surprisingly
musical, an unheard accent made audible by a week spent home and the
drinking...* Love y'....
Neetlemyre Knickerbocker (-In a shadowy alcove. A -very-shadowy
alcove...-): . . . . msg#17950 Sun, Aug 31, 3:44AM PST
~~He knew the price of a hangover, and didn't count it too high for
this night, not at all. Shaking the Sandman's hand from his shoulder
for an instant, he decides he likes the accent.~~
Boot'f'l...luv'y...~~And then, with a quiet sigh, he's out,
completely unconcious, his back pressed snugly against the back of
the dusty old couch and his front pressed against something
imminently more enjoyable, his mate.~~ ~~GONE IC~~
Blackwater Jones (In a shadowy alcove. A -very- shadowy alcove...
((Damn -sloooow!-)): . . . . msg#17992 Sun, Aug 31, 3:49AM PST
*Words... The meaning, if not the actual syllables, registers with
him and he sighs happily, even as Morpheus whisks him away from
consciousness and he is **GONEIC**