#1.) Why are they called 'The SpeedLight Chronicles'?
A) The transcriptionist was desperate
B) The 'relationship' portion of the plot advanced just a little quicker than anticipated.
C) It sounds cool!
D) All of the above.#2.) The people behind the characters of Neets and Beej are:
A) Both female
B) Both male
C) One male, one female
D) Hermaphrodites
E) Androgynes#3) What does ORP stand for?
#4) What city is Neetles from?
#5) What did the above city _used_ to be called?
#6) Has Beej ever been arrested?
A) No one knows.
B) Once
C) Several times
D) Never.#7) Does he worry about being arrested?
#8) What do F. L. Coventry's first two initials stand for?
#9) What is Neets' middle initial?
#9a) Does it stand for anything?
#10) How about Blackwater's?
#10a) Ditto 9a.
#11) What floor do Beej and Neets live on when they're home?
#12) Who does Trinity work for?
D) She's unemployed#13) Carrot's mother and father are:
A) Ruth and Frederick TeaselWeed
B) Ruth TeaselWeed and Ti'engi Scalthwaite
C) Ruth TeaselWeed and Tril'caith RavensBower
D) Carrisedny and Jonas Tell#14) Is Carrot older or younger than Neets?
#15) Who fathered Fern TeaselWeed?
A) Ti'engi Scalthwaite
B) Frederick TeaselWeed
C) Some politician
*) This list could get a _lot_ longer, so it stops here.#16) How old was Carrot when she moved to The Palace?
A) 7
B) 12
C) I don't know
D) 14.75
E) 3.14#17) Has Neets _always_ had a half-sister?
A) A definite yes.
B) No, he had a half-brother, first...
C) I missed something.
D) Is this a trick question?#18) What city is Beej and Neets' Apartment in?
A) Bellaine
B) Skelthain
C) Lowren
D) Morthok#19) What planet is Niah'tleks on?
A) Zorph
B) Cave Canum
C) Alces Alces
D) S'Harrah#20) How many SpeedLights are there?
A) Too many to read in an hour
B) 48
C) Not enough!
D) 500+ pages when copied into a word processing program
E) Any combination of the above#20a) Interludes?
A) 5
B) 6
C) One of the above, but I'm not sure which.#21) What had happened to F.L. Coventry before he ran into Trinity for the third time?
A) A car accident.
B) He was mugged.
C) Unsuspectingly attended a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
D) His class on getting in touch with his inner warrior ran over and he didn't have time to wash.#22) The name of a popular Industrial/Goth Soundcard band in the ORP is:
A) Plastic Fish
B) Squirt Gun
C) Nail Gun
D) Waffle Stompers#23) True or False: Blackwater's family knows Neets is a guy.
#24) True or False: Blackwater has only one sibling.
#25) Did Neets like Beej's nephews and nieces?
A) Yes, for the most part.
B) No. Little children are evil.
C) They were okay, but they mostly served as a reminder that Neets never got to be a kid.
D) He and Beej are planning on a half-dozen children in the coming year.#26) How long were Neets and Beej gone?
A) A week
B) Ten days
C) It's hard to tell...
D) As long as they wanted to be.#27) Who did Neets call when Beej was kidnapped?
A) Triple A
B) The newspaper
C) Her Majesty's Imperial Guard
D) The head of The Meddler's Guild
E) Carrot#28) How did Beej get back to Neets?
A) A battalion stormed the stronghold that he was being kept in
B) They let him go
C) He bribed the guards to sneak him out in the laundry
D) 'Faded out of his cell#29) Who kidnapped Beej?
A) Militant squid farmers
B) The Octabulonian Coalition against Noise Pollution
C) Ruth and Ti
D) The Berties' Favorite Squad of Goons#30) _Why_?
A) Well, that's something you'll have to ask Beej...
B) He's a handy way to try to get at Neets, who's important to the Berts...
C) He was carrying a million dollar's worth of diamonds.
D) You never can tell, with squid farmers.#31) What is the name of the current Guildmaster of The Meddler's Guild?
A) Timothy Myron Gilliam
B) Terrance Morton Gordons III
C) Thomas Murphy Gilbertie (Esq.)
D) The Guild doesn't exist!#32) What's the name of the building Beej and Neets live in?
A) The Harrowing Arms
B) The Harrison Arms
C) The Weedy Pond
D) The Hamilton Arms
E) The Harmony Arms#33) The Three Tripod Accounts are:
A) StickyWicket, StifledScreams and Carrot-Sprouts
B) CarrotSeed, SpeedLight, and StickyWicket
C) Carrotclippings, LeafLitter, and SpeedLight
D) SpruceKin, elvisorp and SyrupStickings#34) True or False: The First Kiss in TSLC is very graphic in nature.
#35) True or False: SpeedLight 27 was posted in a public chatroom.
#36) True or False: Carrot's wings change color at _her_ discretion.
#37) Speaking of SL27... Who was the Boy Scout* in SL6?
A) Beej
B) Neets
C) It doesn't say!
D) What do you mean by Boy Scout?#38) How long did it take for Beej and Neets to figure out they were in love?
A) A couple of months
B) A couple of tumbles
C) A couple of weeks
D) Not as long as it should have, IMO.#39) What color are Neets' eyebrows?
A) Dark green
B) Black/dark brown
C) Purple#40) Is The Guildmaster married?
A) _What_ Guildmaster!?
B) Not yet...
C) Huh?
D) No.
E) We may never know...#41) What room did Carrot used to occupy in The Tavern?
A) Third room on the right
B) Second door on the right past the bathroom
C) Second door on the left at the top of the stairs
D) Ninth door past the second elevator on the twelfth floor...#42) True or False: The Boys each know a cross-dresser.
#43) Will you ever look at a tie the same way again?
A) Yes.
B) No!
C) No, and I'll blame you for all my giggling on the streets.
D) Did you know that there's a Buffalo Wings marinade called 'Afterglow'?
E) C, and no, I didn't...
F) Just C, and lets get _on_ with it!#44) Will you ever hear/look at/think about Buffalo Wings the same way?
A) Nope.
B) Sadly enough, yes.
C) Send me a bottle of 'Afterglow' and we- er, I'll get back to you.
*) Move along, now...#45) The only other occupied apartments on Beej and Neets' floor are:
A) D and E
B) A and D
C) E and F#46) Who lives in the other apartments?
A) A couple of reclusive spinsters
B) An aspiring law student and an old hag
D) A nifty older woman and a busybody.#47) Did Jor die:
A) By lethal injection
B) From an overdose
C) From head injuries sustained from falling off a balcony
D) By drowning
E) From loss of blood#48) Ti'engi's name used to be:
A) Joe Smith
B) Jonny Q. Squaresville
C) The Nameless Guy
D) Arrukinskil Tannais Barakett. The Thirty-fourth.#49) Do you recognize the pair that joins Neets and Beej in the elevator?
A) Yes.
B) Nope.
C) Was it The Odd Couple?#50) How many people has Beej actually said "I love you" to?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 4
D) 1
E) It depends.
Thus endeth the quiz. It will probably be updated sometime in the future.
Scoring and Answers
You can do this one of two ways:
The Long Way- Mail your answers to The ORP
The Short Way- Write down your answers, then check
* This is not intended to be a reflection on The Boy Scouts of America. We mean them no harm, and are merely using the words to mean someone who is well-prepared. *Waves to the Lawyers*